Monday, September 9, 2013

The Basics - Military and Spies

Military Units and Battles

It takes one turn to build one military unit. You cannot use them on the same turn you purchase them. New military will always appear in the zone with your capital city. Each unit also costs 25% of the original price per turn. All military movement takes place between turns.

For democracies and constitutional monarchies, the draft determines how many military units can be recruited.

Troops can be upgraded to a +10% combat bonus with certain structures to become “veterans” (War College, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy). Combat strength can be increased with the National Command Center (+20% combat bonus for land, sea and air units).

Land Units: The only unit that can take and hold territory. Can be transported by some air and sea units.

Air Units: Planes.

Sea Units: Ships and submarines

WMDs: Nukes.

Defense systems: Protection from other military units.
To control a zone it must be a) a land zone b) occupied by at least one of your military units and c) devoid of enemy units. Captured zones give you their resource production and control over any cities in that zone, as well as Big Projects.

Outcome of battles is decided with a 10-sided die. Defending ground forces will receive a 10%  combat bonus vs. attacking ground forces who suffer a 10% combat penalty. If the battle takes place on difficult terrain, the respective combat bonus and penalty are doubled. The morale-boosting campaign results in a +10% combat strength to land, sea and air units for the remainder of the simulation.

City walls halve incoming damage, while high fortresses third it. Mines can be placed in the water to protect from naval invasions by minelayers, and the invader can undo this with minesweepers.
Non-aggression pacts allow your units to share the same territory as another country’s units.
WMDs are bad for everyone. Don’t build them.

The Chief Decision-Maker can close terrorist bases by signing an executive order and eliminate terrorist camps or forces with ground forces.

Spies and Covert Ops

Agreeing to an exchange of ambassadors is the best way to gain intel on another country. Not only is this a display of trust and friendship, but an ambassador exchange will give each participating country information each turn about the country’s QOL indicators, domestic approval ratings, resource production, defensive structures and military units (both within zones containing a city).

You can expel a country’s ambassador whenever you want, which will also remove your own ambassador from the respective country.

Other actions include:
-Spy missions: Gather intel.

-Covert ops: Requires 007 training center. You can spread propaganda, sabotage resource production, manipulate QOL indicators, and steal technology.

-Counterterrorism operations: Requires 007 training center and national command center. Used to destroy terrorist bases/training camps and kill/capture leaders. Terrorists cannot be destroyed with normal troops.

If a spy is captured, they will reveal their country of origin and their objective, and may even spill valuable intel on their country.

-Spies cost 25% of their purchase price to maintain.

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